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yeah. i drew my icon all by myself. no help from mommy. im a big girl now!

(online status
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Name:   dridriRanking:   --
Birthday:   1992-06-26Country:   United States
Joined:   2007-05-15Location:   New Jersey
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   43 graphics 
Name:   dridri
Birthday:   1992-06-26
Joined:   2007-05-15
Location:   New Jersey
Uploads:   43 graphics 

hello. my name is adrienne. "dridri" or just "dri" for short. i like to draw, sing, dance, bake, and play video games. i am paranoid so dont stare at me too long. i love to laugh and have fun. i can come off rude and stuff but im not...well actually how i act towards a person depends on if i like them or not. im outgoing but im also shy. i dont like to be labled. also i dont like fake ppl or 2faced ppl. and trust me im neither of them.

i like rap and hip hop. &heartsPHARRELL&hearts. alicia keys. tyra banks. regina spektor. oh cookie monster is sexy too! :)

i never turn down friend requests. so dont be shy!

yeah this may be rude but if my avatars hurt anyone, im sorry. dont comment about my emo avatar if you dont like. there are many emo avatars on this site that i cant stand but i dont comment them and tell people it sucks because thats rude. and dont say i hate all emo people because i have some emo friends and they know how i feel about how they are and i continue to feel this way. so if you still wanna send me hate mail be my guest because i can send you sum dridri hate mail right back at cha!
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