Doodleness :D(online status not displayed)
This is Ingrid and Angela's Doodle Request page! If you want your page to be trashed, you have come to the right place! Ingrid is in charge for the "Blurr Page" and Lucky is in charge of the "Doodle Page" Rules: -Be specific on your request -Do not blame us if you don't like the request -There are no limit of requests. Request as much as you like! -Be patient. We might not always come on! -Please tell us who you want to do your request or answer your question. -If you have any problems. Contact Ingrid at: users/vampireteeth. and Angela at: users/lucky_star86 Blurr Page: Fill this in;; Link to page you want to get blurred: (Page doesn't have to be on glitter graphics) Blurriness: GO CRAZY or in between or just a little extra text: (optional) neat: yes/no Example;; Doodle Page: Form to fill in;; Link to Page You want to get doodled on: (Page doesn't have to be on glitter graphics) What you want on it: (These type of pages will have chibi drawings on them. So this is recommanded for Anime Lovers!) Example;; Unnecessary Writing (Notes from Ingrid and Angela) : Hey guys!!! This page is made by Ingrid (Vampireteeth.) & Angela (Lucky_star86) (we are classmates! :D :D :D) We thank everyone who requested and supports this page, this page is only really just for fun and randomness xD Angela:Hey!! I still can't believe we actually made this page! I was just bored so I doodled on Ingrid's page, then ingrid blurred my page...Then Ingrid suggests we make this page and we actually made it xD Ingrid: Heyy ;) Angela said, I suggested to make this random doodle request page. Angela is GREAT at drawing and started to doodle on my page...well I just wanted to do the same to her page. But since I suck at drawing, I decided to blurr her page. Then afterwards. I gave her this crazy idea of making this request page! In the we are now. With this brand new kind of request page which no one has ever made before xD Please read the rules and form carefully before requesting! Also, please look at the examples of the doodled page before requesting, as the page might look different then what you think it looks like!
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