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Love dolls? adopt here!!!◕‿◕

Name:   dollvilleRanking:   --
Birthday:   1994-12-25Country:   
Joined:   2009-06-27Location:   Maryland
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   10 graphics 
Name:   dollville
Birthday:   1994-12-25
Joined:   2009-06-27
Location:   Maryland
Uploads:   10 graphics 


I totally love dolls!!
Love dolls? adopt one here!!

~About The Owner~

~About this club~

Hello I am the owner of this club and it's my first club here in glitter-graphics.Although this club was new,wish that my club will be a successful club like others' club. Pls.adopt a doll here!!!! here we go!

So tell me about yourself,of course your name,age,gender and birthday.How about the doll you want to adopt? of course he/she has a name and birthday too!! silly me!
same with you you'll tell her/his name,age,gender and birthday.Easy right?! it's just a piece of cake.So you can pick a variety of dolls!! yay!!( the dolls aren't my work. peace!!)

here's how to join:

Name:(your doll's name)

Age:(your doll's age)

Gender:(your doll's gender)

About (your doll's name)



(This is my doll!)

Name: Sophie

Age: errr..private

Gender: Female

Birthday: everyday! lol June 28th

~About Sophie~

I named her Sophie cuz my sissy's nickyname

is Sophie and I love angels!!!

Name: Lil'angel or angie

Age: 3 months

Birthday: July 28th

Gender: Female

~About LiL'Angel~

Hey hello to petfantasy!!

she is sooo adorable

and cute

and thanks Petfantasy!!


So if you want to earn coins and buy things.Here is the Earning coins list:

if you....

adopt one: 100 coins

adopt another one: 2000 coins

won a contest: 1000 coins

if it's your...

birthday: 250 coins

(BONUS!a birth day cake and tons of gifts from me!)

I've been thinking if I would make a pet adoption,baby adoption and Le shoppe. Wait for it!!!

So if your asking that why there are 20 dolls are available? Because more and new dolls and adoptions are coming soon!!!Although that this club is new, Hope that this club will turn to be a successful club with all your help it's possible!!

and thank you all very much for those who adopted dolls!!


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