♥♡new,official,demi lovato fan club.♥♡(online status not displayed)
♥♡about demi lovato: ♥♡ ♡ dEMEtRiA devone lOVAtO♡ ♡ WAS bORN ON AUGUSt 20, 1992 iN dAllAS, tEXAS. dEMEtRiA iS NiCkNAMEd dEMi &Nd EVERYbOdY CAllS hER thAt. dEMi iS AN ACtRESS &Nd SiNGER. ShE PERfORMEd ON CAMP ROCk (A diSNEY ChANNEl ORiGiNAl MOViE) With thE CUtE jONAS bROthERS. ShE PlAYS MitChiE tORRES. hER VOiCE iS SO PREttY; ShE WROtE MANY SONGS &Nd PUt it iN AN AlbUM;; dON't fORGEt. ShE iS bESt fRiENdS tO SElENA GOMEZ. ShE StARtEd hER CAREER At ONlY 6 YEARS Old...♡ ♡ how to join?easy as 123 and ABC♡ ♥username: ♥name: ♥age: ♥country: ♥birthday: ♥why do love demi lovato: ♥avatar's URL/CODE: ♥job: ♥isint i easy?....everybody is welcome to join so sad that the other fan club is CLOSED♥ available jobs: ♥CO=OWNER-2ND OWNER OF THIS CLUB=) ♥ADVERTISER=ADVERTISING THE CLUB=) ♥WELCOMER=WELCOMING ALL OUR NEW CLUB MEMBERS=) ♥BIRTHDAY GRANTER/WISHER=GREETING ALL OUR MEMBERS BIRTHDAY CELEBRANTS=) ♥GRAPHIC DESINGNER=DESINGING A NEW GRAPHICS=) ♥DEMI LOVATO MEMBER'S=BEING A COOL ROCKING MEMBER OF DEMI LOVATO=) ♥♡THATS ALL AVALABLE JOB'S SO JOIN NOW PICK WISELY♥♡ the club rules♥♡ 1.no bad word comments 2.no chain mails 3.no anti people adding this club 4.be nice and friendly 5.evEry one is welcome to join ♥♡ (fallow the rules) polls and contest area=) no polls and contest are being held right now=) _______________________________________________ banner for our advertiser=) code/url:<IMG>http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll249/angelcute_02_photo/graphics/demianimated.gif</IMG>
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