pers. account= mini robot(online status not displayed)
These two girls mean so much to me, you dont even know! THEY dont even know, I hope one day to meet them. That would make my dreams come true! They are excellent role models and I idolize them in every way possible! NOTHING will EVER make me change my love for them. I will stand by their side for EVERY choice they make. These girls are silly, crazy, funky, fantastic, beautiful, gourgeous, and theirselves! They are who THEY want to be and thats what I absolutely LOVE about them! They might screw up, but thats ok, I shall be there EVERY step of the way:) This profile isnt even HALF of the feelings I have for these two. One day..I will meet them..and they will find out:D First off...Demi: Demi has inspired me that there IS love out there. She has told me thru her songs to be who YOU want to be and noone different. Not to change for anyone and to just be yourself. Demi is a great role model and I love her to death. Shes super funny and outgoing and I love her personality She knows what it is and knows how its done:) I love you Demi! And then theres Selena: Selena is amazing in every way. She is really funny, no doubt. Her music tells me everything. I couldnt ask for a better role model. I would never give up on her cuz she is tahhhh bomb!! She is omgg i dont even know. shes super pretty and amazing. shes a great role model and I love you Selena!!
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