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Name:   damienrocks666Ranking:   --
Birthday:   2010-12-01Country:   
Joined:   2007-08-26Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   damienrocks666
Birthday:   2010-12-01
Joined:   2007-08-26

Firstly am not born in the year '2010' coz obv. that would make me like what 105? or sumtink.

Secondly am not a pedofile just coz am a boy, if this was a site just for girls it woudn't have the option "Boy" now would it??

Thirdly My name is damien, don't laugh and say "demon child" or omen. thank yooh.

Be yurself around me, don't lie to me, dont judge me either! 'coz that would just make us not friends.

And i hate it when people say exactly the same thing to everybody on the page so dont do that ok.

Besides all that am a lovely person ^^
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