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Avatar form: Pic: Font: Words: Extras?: Outline?: Outline Color: Font Color: Extras colors: Here are the fonts to choose from: You can choose any color. Same color deal with the outline. Here are the extras: IMPORTANT: You can have up to five extras. If you don't tell me the location where you want each extra, I will pick them myself. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Online Now Icon Form: Text: Text Color: Text Font: Extras: Anything else: Same fonts as avatar choices. Same extras, also. Anything else being: borders, colors changing, whatever. Note: I will let you know if your "anything else" answer is possible. ------------------------------------------------ Text Form: Text: Text Color(optional): Text Pic Texture(optional): Text Font: Anything else: IMPORTANT, MUST READ: If you don't choose text color, you will have to put a pic to be the texture, and visa versa. If you don't fill out either, I will pick my own texture/color for you. Anything else answer can be extras, or other text with a different font. Fonts: Note: If there are other fonts you would like me to use, please give me the link to download them. This is what A Pic Texture looks like for those who do not know: Thanks very much! I hope you like what you recieve in return!!! :)
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