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kisses last forever, so long as you don't wash your cheek

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Name:   chocolate*kittyRanking:   --
Birthday:   1993-02-26Country:   
Joined:   2006-11-12Location:   Bradford, West Yorkshire
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   9 graphics 
Name:   chocolate*kitty
Birthday:   1993-02-26
Joined:   2006-11-12
Location:   Bradford, West Yorkshire
Uploads:   9 graphics 
helooo ma name's fran! i'm single and pritti! anyway i av long brown hair, long eyelashes with big blue eyes and i'm quite tall. i like uploading graphics coz it means i can bring ace graphics to this site n people can get them! lol my best friend is also on here she's called hannah- shiny*brown_eyes add her please!
anyway so plz add me! oh and leave sum comments will ya? xxx
luv ya x

p.s if there's any hot guys out there, add me ;) xx
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