about me.(online status not displayed)
*this pic is actually recent! haha it's from last week. i just got these extensions from Sally's :) love them. this is real.this is me heyy kiddos'! it's Chelsi Anne here! my birthday is on the 1st of April. just calculate it for you to know my agee. i'm a highschool student. i love hair extensions, hair dyes, eyeliners, scene looks, blush ons, mascara, eyeshadows, photo editings, photography, sunsets, sunrise, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.♥ RANDOM SNAPS.*new! BOYFRIEND x) stolen that's the bed in the hotel. he fell asleep as soon as he lay down! LMFAO. another stolen living room :) last year. swiiiinggggg at school! i'm so surprised when i saw him at the playground. lmfao. the kids are playing around him! what a snob. no comment. yay! taken personally by him one sunny Sunday morning. he's in a good mood x) well, this is where my about me ends. ima' put some more pictures later! BYE! ♥♥ main pagee
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