"i dOn't cAre if yOu hAte me... i'd bE jeaLous too if i were yOu!"(online status not displayed)
i aM ME.
thEre wiLL nOt evEr be anyOne Like me. i aM spEciaL bEcAusE i aM uniQue. i aM stArdUst and dReams. i aM Light. i aM LovE and hOpe. i aM hUg and sOmetimEs tEars. i aM the wOrds ILOVEYOU. i aM swirL of bLue, gReen, rEd, yeLLow, pUrpLe, orAnge, and coLors no oNe cAn nAme. i aM sky, sEa, eArth. i tRust, yEt i fEar. i hidE, yEt i dOn't hoLd anythinG bAck. i aM fRee. i aM a chiLd bEcoming aN adULt. i aM ME... and ME is jUst right... .n_n.
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