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[[19.1.09]]Sòphì&Rèx<3;;luff mwy fwends;;

Name:   Suggaapuff,,x3Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1920-01-01Country:   
Joined:   2008-11-01Location:   SophiisKawaiiPetShop<3
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   8 graphics 
Name:   Suggaapuff,,x3
Birthday:   1920-01-01
Joined:   2008-11-01
Location:   SophiisKawaiiPetShop<3
Uploads:   8 graphics 

My Names Sophiie-remember it.
I luff playing video games.
Im currently Taken-Il tell you more about that soon
I luff my fwiends;;Shuhana,Nicole,Nikki,Emmy,Anam<3
You better Add meh,you wont regret it

One of my idols<33

I luff Muusic<3!

I love this guy,
With all my heart.
His my fave song,
My Smile,
My Everything.

He's my Yagami KunXDD

Readiingg;;Paradise Kiss
Listening Tooo;;Lady Gaga-Just dance
Thinking 'Bout;;Rex of course!

NiiCOLE<3-No matter what happens, I will always luff yu. You may think that I dont but Baby yuur wrong(: I dont deserve a friend like yuu. I was your first so Im gonna be your last:p
SHUHANA<3-Gawd your a freak:p But I still luff you. You always make me smile and whatever you do, Your gonna be stuck with me luff:p
NIKKI<3-You random bitch:p Ilysfm. Your so crazzi and thats why Im so mad for yuuh(: Neva change hun<3

Nicole-Twin=3 &sometimes my Mum>;D
Shuhana-My goldfish
Emmy-Sistaa from another mistaa
Nicki-My fairy godparentXD
Anam-My next door neighba:p

Scene Icons-
I just found these, dont pose as em!(Some are scene queens)

Posing Is Pathetic
Stealing Is for Sluts

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