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Name:   blueskittlesyumRanking:   --
Birthday:   1993-10-11Country:   
Joined:   2009-04-04Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   14 graphics 
Name:   blueskittlesyum
Birthday:   1993-10-11
Joined:   2009-04-04
Uploads:   14 graphics 

im not very good at this whole about me thing so bare with me :]
something you'd like to know about me..
well im 15 i live in the city that never sleepz, new york.
and yeah itz pretty awesome. :]
i love to take picturez itz a hobbie
as far as sportz go i play basketball
when it comez to food im very picky and im vegitarin
so people dont realy like to cook for me.
my favoritez..
well the color would be blue
the food is pizza
the drink is tied monster and ice tea
the shoez DCz
the candy skittlez duhh
and well i cant think of anything els so if you wanna know more
then deffleh leave a comment
rate my graphicz kiddiez :D

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