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Shtupidd Shinyyy Volvo Ownerrrrr.!!! ~~Offline [ onn othaaarrr accountt ]~~

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Name:   Whitt Ashh HendricksRanking:   --
Birthday:   1993-08-16Country:   United Kingdom
Joined:   2008-09-12Location:   somewhere...... *gaspz*
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   14 graphics 
Name:   Whitt Ashh Hendricks
Birthday:   1993-08-16
Joined:   2008-09-12
Location:   somewhere...... *gaspz*
Uploads:   14 graphics 
Otherrrrr accountshhh, ishh Mishh.Spiderrrrman

'Ello, peepshh a thaa World.
......Thaa name'z Whittneyy Ashhlee Hendricks. ((x I'mmm sixshhh-teen, &&
luvvingg ittz. Muhh fave songggg ishh "Revolutionnn" byy thaa one && onnlieee, Beatlessssss. Life prettie muchh suckz right noww, 'coz I'm inn luv wiff one a muh bffl'z. )x Musicc ishh muhh liife, duhn't evaaaar gett mehh wronggg there. I cann beh yerrr bestieee, err yerrr worstt nightmaree;; yooh choose. Thereshh somethingg wrongg wiff mehh, I duhn't denyyy it, I jushht go wiff it. (x I luff tah laff, && hate tah criee. Yepperz, I'm obsessed wiff Docterrrr Pepperrrr, babay.!! ;D I luff Edward Cullen, & in luffiez wiff Spidaaaaarmann. ((; I luff quoteshhh, && puht lotz a diff oneshhh onn muhh pagee. >.< Randomm ishh muhh middle name, FYIIII. ((x Vitaminnnn waterrrr mighht ashh well a been called CRACKK ferrrr mehh. ;DD Hate itt wheen peepshh liee, && keep secretshhh. Itt literalliee driveshh mehh nutz tah have tah do all thaa talkinggg, althoughhhh I'm prefectshlieee capablee. ((x

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