live life and have fun doing it!!!(online status not displayed)
I'm Jadi A. from a small town in north Texas USA!! I am a jr at 16 yrs old and I love softball, my horses and ranch, my FFA ,my English Bulldog puppy (Crystal), my family , my friends, ladybugs, and lots of other stuff! I love TEXAS A&M <3<3!Gig'em Ags! I love partying, dancing, and having a fun time. I'm always up for anything.I also love guys and everything that has to do with them! (flirting, talking, looking, kissing, hugging, and pretty much everything about them) lol :). I heard I'm a really good kisser, just some FYI for any single guys out there, lol. WOW, I just sounded like a major slut, ooops! No matter how much I love flirting , I will never cheat or lie to my b/f, that's a big deal to me. I used to think I loved my ex b/f but then he cheated on me so now I enjoy being single and hanging out with all of my friends. I tend to have more guy friends than girl friends; there is just way to much drama with girls. But I do have ALOT of friends, I think anyway, lol. I am always motivated,hyper, and outgoing. I play softball on a select team, The North-Texas Intensity Orange. I'm first base!!! We travel all over Texas and the surrounding states to play in tournements 12 months out of the year. This year we are hoping to go to nationals in Kentucky, California, Florida ,New Mexico and some other places I can't remember. I am a big girl and I'm not ashamed of it. I'm 5'8" and what you might call "healthy", but it comes in handy when I'm powerlifting. I am also what you might call the typical dumb blonde but I have brownish-blondish hair. I am smart (book smart), but I have no common sense and I'm ditsy. I love making friends and talking to new people. Well, I love talking in general. I enjoy listening to music and downloading stuff off of the comp. I like this site because I get to see the cool stuff other people come up with. I think it would be so great if I could make graphics, but I don't have the software, so I just beg some of you guys to do it for me lol (sorry about that). So if you wanna be friends just tell me that you added me and then we can chat. I have Yahoo messenger and myspace if you want to get to know me better. My email is . O - and if you leave me a message and I don't get back to you , it's not that I'm ignoring you, I am probablly grounded, so don't get mad. plus im hardly ever on the comp. So I guess that's it , well I hope to talk to you soon!
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