don't add this. links are at thee bottom of what you should go to. read this carefully ;)![]() (offline)
about me;
my names nickie x nightmare. call me nickie or give me a nick name. i am single. i'm a skater. i surf. i put others before myself. i don't like seeing others hurt. i fake smiles constantly. happiness is not something that comes easy to me. people tend to be scared of me. little kids tend to love me. i am bisexual. i am a veggiesuar. you are not me. i spell thee with two e's on purpose. i don't label myself. but if you must have a label, then you can decide for yourself. i add extra letters to words. i work at pacsun. i quot hot topic. nothing like you. i don't sleep a lot. i keep to myself. i get jealous, annoyed & angered easily. trust issues. i can be a sweetheart or a bitch. i really do not care what you think about me. i'm not here to please you, only myself. i won't change for you, only me. low self-esteem. i don't believe in religion. so no god. don't talk to me if you don't like that. i'm a procrastinator & a multitasker. attention whores annoy thee shit out of me. i do curse, a lot. if i pinky promise something to you, it's legit. i have a past, that you shall never know about. i own a black wrangler jeep. yes, i do drive. i mostly hate everyone, & i do have my reasons. i'm more closed off. i don't open up like your moms vagina on a friday night. i have a sense of humor, though it tends to be darker than some. you will never change me, & i will never change for you. if you think i'm here to please you, then you should leave now. because i may be many things, but a people pleaser is one of thee few i'm not. i am more of a rain cloud than a ray of sunshine, but i do have my moments. i'm full of contridictions & i can be unpredictable at times. i'll tend to scare you, but bare with me if your in for thee long run. & if your not, then get thee hell out of my life. i can be talkative, but only once you really get to know me. people say i'm strong, but i consider it being able to keep moving when things get rough. there is no point in giving up, even if i feel that way at times. i say hello to everybody i pass; rather or not i get a dirty look. i over think things. i have inspireations. i'm always faithful when i'm in a relationship. i follow my heart. i like things messy rather than neat. i'm still creating myself, & i'm learning now that it takes a lifetime for that. expierences teach you life lessons, not lectures on life. i put on a brave face, even when i'm hurting. i've been on this site for going on five years i think. & it's gotten worse with drama every year. i get tired of things quickly, so i never have only one favorite. my mood changes just as quick as a mood ring. it's never thee same. i have manic depression disorder. but i don't take thee meds. i'm content with myself, even if i don't know what i'll be doing tomorrow. likes; hello kitty; stars; hearts; drawing; writing; reading; winky faces; skinny jeans; v-necks; plaid shirts; originality; gore; blood; horror; comedy; batman; poptarts; candy; food; mountain dew; energy drinks; monsters; zombies; vampires; pale skin; thee truth; texting; some phone calls; hot topic; pacsun; swimming; night time; winter; fall; long relationships; romance; standing up for rights; photography; music; thee internet; graphic design; formspring; twitter; polyvore; emailing; jokes; meez; imperfections; flaws; danger; best friends; moshing; movies; thee beach; walks; being cold; sweatpants; moccasins; sweatshirts; being myself; guy friends; alice in wonderland; tim burtons work; children; thee rain; storms; roller coasters; animals; veggies; fruits; smoothies; milkshakes; sonic; nintendo ds lite; nintendo; biting my finger nails; biting my lip; doing my hair; small guages; piercings; tattoos; youtube; mitchell davis; jarrod matthew; oliver sykes; christofer drew ingle; drinking at parties; pro-choice; big words; shots; pain; abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy&z; nigga; fuck; wishes; shooting stars; 11:11; words; haters; classic movies; vending machines; talks that make you closer to someone; long phone calls; winter; dislikes; most people; spiders; snakes; clowns; t@Lk!n lYk3 d!$; sleeping; whores; copiers; unoriginality; being hot-tempature wise; drama; abortions; too much pep; commericals; most preppy girls; most tv; capitol letters; people that get into everyones business; lies; bullshit; excercising; super slow walkers; animal abuse; child abuse; domestic violence; emotional pain; cheating; my family; numbers; followers; people who talk shit; but never to someones face; thee cops; oil spills; being tan; being bored; non excitement; missing people; saying goodbye; religions; trends; spoiled brats; too much pep; glitter-graphics drama; childish fights; losing friends; short term relationships; people who can't back up their word; broken promises; gas prices; most cheerleaders; incorrect grammar; incorrect spelling; this generations parents; homophobics; attention; running; fake friends; summer weather; people who think they know everything; concieted people; talking about my problems; music interests; nevershoutnever; bring me the horizon; owl city; more to come on here, when i have time to type them all. links; main account. love account. twitter. formspring. photobucket. meez. polyvore. email ; one more thing; before you start thinking you know me, think again :) because you never fully know a person. no matter what you think.
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