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Name:   :abbylynn: Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1920-07-23Country:   
Joined:   2010-07-11Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   :abbylynn:
Birthday:   1920-07-23
Joined:   2010-07-11

posss: summer. magic. teddy bears. kisses. life. hope. devotion. faith. wishes. country music. beach. sun. tansss. extra letters. best friends. bass pro shopssssss! southern hospitality. country boys<3. math. jacob black. breaking dawn. soccer! proud koda. skatingg. sun & sand smell. yankee candles. skirts. her. arizona teaaa. turning you oonnnn. daisy dukes. tank topsss. being a bitch, hahaha. stupid inside jokes. ice cream. wanting to kisss him in the rain<3. true love. facebooooooook. flower prints. rainbowss with gold at the end. hollisterrr. abercrombie&fitchh. long summer nightss. hugs. kissesss. your loveee. your laughter.
neggg: wanna-bes. backstabbing bitches. creepers. screamo. tiny retarded cars. rat dog things. chocolate. black coffee. polka dots. tuxedos. long skirts. cold water. sweetfrog frozen yogurt. beggers. can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? forgettingggg. richmond, virginia. stupid commercials. silence. death. whispering. venting. unsweet teaaa. krab. goodwilll. retarded people. stupid questions. myspaceee. your face. :o birds. these smilies: =). bob freakin' marley. finding waldo. me, in the orange shirt. baseball. basketball. football. photobucket. american food. lifetime movie network.
she was a big star at banana joes bar where she sang karaoke every night...
:abbylynn: 's buddies:
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User Comments

`abigailcora. writes:
i moved here, loves. IM BACK.

Posted on: Sep 27th 2010, 11:36:35am

amberandrews. writes:
awwwee! whooos the boyfrienndd ? (:

Posted on: Sep 21st 2010, 7:19:24pm

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