Do you know who / what 4Minute is :O ? if you don't, then you're totally lost. i'm not even joking, you're so lost. well maybe if you aren't korean / asian then i would understand ;) 4Minute is a popular korean pop group in korea (obviously) and they sing like ; AMAZING songs, and their style is so BRIGHT and UNIQUE and STYLISH and COLORFUL :D ! LMAOOOO. I'ma put up a fotoo gallery soon xD Under Co. Fotoo' Gallery B) {IMG}http://i45.tinypic.com/34yo8qb.jpg{/IMG} {IMG}http://i50.tinypic.com/2q0p11z.jpg{/IMG} {IMG}http://i48.tinypic.com/2hi2w7n.jpg{/IMG} {IMG}http://i47.tinypic.com/2wdmzbc.jpg{/IMG} ^ In the fotoo above from left to right . ^ JiHyun, GaYoon, JiYoon, SoYun, & HyunAh. How can you JOIN? So simple. Just give us your name, bday, fav. person in 4minute, and why you like 4minute x} . kthanx(: !
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