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Current Phase: Drawing anything. o -o

Name:   â™¥vocaloid.fanatic♥Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1998-01-02Country:   United States
Joined:   2010-02-04Location:   Who knows now-a-days?
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   â™¥vocaloid.fanatic♥
Birthday:   1998-01-02
Joined:   2010-02-04
Location:   Who knows now-a-days?

Here's a contest I joined! These pictures I drew. :3 Not that proud of them but still.

Hello! I'm Jazmin! I am 12 years old and in 7th grade. I'm in a Gifted and Talented school. I am currently taking Algebra 1 and I guess I'm passing it. I am a very close to bi-polar girl in real life. I get annoyed easily, but I usually try to make others happy. I still have a crush on the same boy I did last year, but the only time he says something to me it's usually to say, "Ha-ha" when I'm in a bad situation. I draw a lot but I usually change what I draw. I have two best friends that I can't live without, but I have one friend who is the reason why I draw manga style. If I didn't meet her, I'd still be drawing pokemon.

Vocaloid, Cosplay, Anime, Spicy Foods, Drawing, Positive Thinking, Friends being hyper, The Color Redand Black, Music, Talking on the phone, Paint Tool Sai, and my Tablet.
Most ghetto people, Getting Annoyed, Eating too much, People asking for help a lot in Spanish, Homework, Projects, Dance class, and Wood Shop.

♥Real Me♥

Pic taken on 2-5-2010 around 7:38a.m.

Random Things
~Shugo Chara~



Drawing Central Paper1♥

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