♪ 3, 6, 9 DaMn YoU FinE!!♪ ♥ FraNgiPaNiS RoK My SoK!!♥ ☼ I LoVe THe RaiNbOw BeCaUsE It's SOoOoOo CoLoUrFuL!!☼(online status not displayed)
He-HEy BaBEh!!! My NaMe Is MaLaK!!
Im 16 YrS OLd!! I Am a GiRL!! I HaVe BrOwN HaIr AnD BroWn EyEs!! Im iN Yr.10!! I lOVe A Lot oF thinGs HaHaHa!! EsPeCiaLLy BeC AnD HayLeE ThEy Are My bEstESt FriEndS evEr!! I Have Alot of FRiendS BuT i'LL OnlY LiSt My ClosESt OnES:- TaNaYhA,JaSmiNe,MeLiSSa,JeSs,BriOny,EmiLy,KayLa aNd LoTs MoRe!!:p I liVe In AuStraLia!! AuGuSt Is CLEarLy ThE BesT MoNth BecAuSe I Was BoRn In It!! HaHaHa HoPe You LiKe My PRoFiLe!! Bye xx
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