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i love my babe Beth <3

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Name:   [i]chigo Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1991-07-15Country:   
Joined:   2007-08-01Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   [i]chigo
Birthday:   1991-07-15
Joined:   2007-08-01
Hi my name i Leeroy and i love anime even tho non of my friends like i only my big bro. Carlos i just ignor them and just keep lovin nick name i Boom and thats becaise i like to play a game called Super Smash Bro. Melee.....and in the Game i play Samus witch is a robot who throws rockets and wat do rockets do.....BOOM lol......yeah thats not all i also like o play other games like Starcraft,Halo,Wii Sports,Kingdom Hearts, and many other more awsome games.....lets c i have long but not to long balck hair, dark brown eyes,im not the skiniest guy but im still fit.....sort of.....ummmmm oh i like all kinds of music rock,rap,j-rock, even some country.....lets see i love to go to the movie theters......oh and i got two brothers the biggest named Hugo is 27 i think and married with two awsome twins named Hugo and Noe, my other older bro. named Carlos who is in a wheel chair has is 26 devorsed with an amazing little girl named Gianna...and my other older bro. named Johnny who is 19 and likes to party a lot cuz hes like never home lol.....if u havent figured it out by now im the smallest in my family but yet the ummmmm well thats about it.....:D
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