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I'm sweet with spice and everything nice

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Name:   ~*Georgina*~Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1992-07-03Country:   
Joined:   2006-12-13Location:   L.A!!!
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   ~*Georgina*~
Birthday:   1992-07-03
Joined:   2006-12-13
Location:   L.A!!!

Well I'm 14 years old and i wanna do alot of layouts so alot of people can have them in their websites.^_^ I'm such a gurly gurl and i luv anime! I just can't help it^_^ I'm latina and other stuff anyways i hope i make good layouts for all of you!^_^ Well luv ya bye bye!!

Guys if u want me 2 do a layout, ask me wat kind
<a href= title='Myspace Graphics'><img src= width=419 height=372 alt='myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics' border=0></a>

I luv this code so much, Whoever made it Thankyou but im just saving it
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