I'm Kira Star![]() (online status not displayed)
not done with this page,still working on it This is me NAME:KIRA STAR AGE:22 LIKES:KIBA & BEING WITH HIM,MY BROTHERS & SISTER,MY POKEMON,& MY BFF NAMI..!!!^_^ DISLIKES:WHEN PEOPLE HURT MY LOVED 1'S,RUDE PEOPLE,& PEOPLE TRYING 2 SCARE OR TICKLE ME..!!-_- TYPE:WOLF-DEMON MARRIED:KIBA INUZUKA ![]() ~~~MY FAMILY~~~ NAME:KOGA STAR/2ND OLDEST BROTHER AGE:24 LIKES:WATCHING OUT 4 HIS FAMILY,FIGHTING WITH INUYASHA,TRYING 2 STEAL MY PET WOLF/NINJA DOG AKAMARA FROM ME,& MAKING FUN OF MY HUSBAND KIBA DISLIKES:WHEN HIS FAMILY IS HURT,WHEN INUYASHA STEALS KAGOME TYPE:WOLF-DEMON CRUSH:KAGOME ![]() NAME:KIYA STAR/LITTLE SISTER AGE:17 LIKES:BEING WITH TANJIRO,READING,& PALYING WITH ANIMALS,& BEING OUTSIDE DISLIKES:FIGHTING,WHEN SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS 2 TANJIRO,OR ANY1 SHE LOVES,& INUNYASHA..>_< TYPE:WOLF-DEMON CRUSH:TANJIRO/DATING (Satoshi's Brother)(she really loves him,well i say she's love crazy 4 him,but they r both like that with each other,it's cute! TYPE:WOLF-DEMON,BUT DOESN'T LIKE 2 FIGHT ![]() NAME:SOTA STAR AGE:26 LIKES:HIS WIFE SUNA STAR,BEING A BIG BROTHER,THAT'S FACT THAT HE'S A DAD,& ABOUT 2 HAVE AN OTHER 1,READING,& TRAINNING DISKIES:WHEN HIS FAMILY & FRIEDNS GET HURT,WHEN HE'S SCARED 4 SUNA & DESTINY (HIS LITTLE GIRL) TYPE:WOLF-DEMON MARRIED:SUNA STAR ![]() ~~~THE STORY OF MY PAST~~~ me:*i was sleeping in my bed when my second oldest brother koga woke me up* huh..??what's going on koga..?? koga:we have 2 go kit from the cat demon tribe is attacking again *grabs me some warm clothes,& puts them on me & takes my hand & runs out of my room* me:but what about mom,dad,sota & kiya..??*running with him* koga:mom & dad r fighting,sota woke me up & told me 2 woke u 2 & went 2 help mom & dad me:but what if they need r help..?? koga:u just turned 10 & learned how 2 turn into your demon form a little while ago & kiya is only 5 & doesn't know how 2 yet,b/c i know how 2 turn into my wolf-demon form,i have 2 keep u & kiya safe me:but....??*still running* *we get 2 kiya's room* koga:*lets go of my hand* kira stay here while i get kiya,ok..?? me:ok kiya:*in bed,crying* kit:*runs into r house & sees me & grabs me* where is your sister kira,kiya..?? me:*scared* y do u want her..?? kit:ohhh U don't know,do u..??*laughs evily* me:know what..?? kit:your sister kiya will be strong & have powers 2 make people & animals do whatever she wants,& will have the powers 2 heal, & soooo much more,but i won't say the rest koga:*holding kia,runs out & kicks kit,then grabs my hand & growls at kit* shut up,never talk 2 my sister again *runs off holding my hand & holding kiya* ~~mom,dad,sota~~ mom:what's going on..??we just made a peace with them the last time we fought them..??*fighting with a cat demon* dad:i don't know,guess they went back on their word *fighting with one 2* sota:i don't see kit anywhere mom:0_0 dad:find her b4 she gets kiya sota:ok,but what about u 2..??? mom:go..!!*gets hit in the face* dad:we got this *kicks the 1 that hit my mom* ~~me,koga,kiya,sota~~ koga:*sees sota running 2 us & stops* what's going on..?? sota:came 2 check on u all..!!*looks around at us* (out of nowhere comes an huge boom sound & r tribe was of fire & every 1 that was fighting r scareming) me:*starts 2 cry,scarem & run 2 r mom & dad* sota:*grabs me & hugs me* sweetie it's 2 late,we can't save them me:*looks at his face & see him crying 2 & hug him* sota:*picks me up & looks at koga * kiya* come on u guys,we have 2 leave *starts 2 walk away,holding me* koga:*runs up 2 him* where r we going 2 go..??!!!*looks mad* sota:*turns & looks at koga* i heard of a place called the left village,i heard it was nice there & that's were we r going,no if's and's or but's *walks off again* kiya:*opens her eyes & sees what's going on & crys on koga* koga:*holds her tight,kisses her* it's ok kiya,were goning some where safe now *follows sota* ~~~STORY OF US IN THE LEAVE VILLAGE~~~ sota:*after we get 2 the leave village,he finds us a nice house 2 live in & puts me & kiya in the ninja school there,so we could become ninja's 2* u well have fun learning how 2 be a ninja *smiles at us* me:*still up set about what happened 2 us* no we won't,-_- kiya:*crying* y can't we stay home with u & koga..?? sota:b/c we r going 2 look 4 job's 2-day..!!*smiles big & looks at koga* koga:don't c y i have 2 come,i could watch the little 1's..!!>_< sota*saids in his ear* u can't protect them 4-ever,they have 2 try & get their minds off what happened..!! koga:i can try 2 protect them 4-ever..!! sota:then how will they learn 2 be happy if they can't get over this..?? koga:-_- sota:*looks up at me & kiya* how about if me & koga walk u 2 to school..?? koga:*looks up 2* yea great idea..!!^_^ me:ok,but no crying when u leave us,not again..!!-_- kiya:yea,great idea..!!*smells & runs 2 koga* koga:*laughs & picks her up* sota:so that's it then,we r walking u 2 there *looks at his watch* 0_0,only if we get u 2 there there on time *grabs my hand & runs there* koga:*runs after him,holding kiya* ~~~At The School~~~ koga:*runs in with kiya* sota*runs in with me kinda dragging behind him* me:*rubs my arm* thanks sota,-_- sota:hey u got here on time,didn't we..?? me: yea,but if i can't use my arm,it does no good 2 be here,-_- kiba:*walking down the hall & sees me & stops* hey what r u doing in the hall,class is about 2 start..!! sota:*looks up at him & smiles* we know,just trying 2 say bye & get these 2,2 there classes,but me & my brother r a bit lost & don't know where 2 take them 2..!*laughs a little* kiba:*looks at us all* well that little 1 your brother is holding goes 2 the building across the field *points 2 it* & the 1 u r holding hands with,well she's in my class & i can walk her 2 r class..!! koga:thanks,i'll take kiya over there now..!!*stars 2 walk away* sota:no,wait say bye 2 kira & we'll walk kiya over there 2-gether koga:k fine *walks up 2 me & kisses my head* be good,stay out of troblem & if u need me,call,k..?? me:*kisses him back* yea i got it..!! sota:*kisses me & hugs me tight* be good,we'll be back after school 2 get u 2,k..??*starts 2 cry* me:o_o,no crying..!!-_-,we got it..!! sota:*still crying* can't help it..!!*smiles* kiba:*holding out his hand 4 me* me:*looks at him,then his hand* umm..??o_o kiba:*laughs at my faces* yea i know sorry,but if u r in the halls,u always have 2 have some1 with u & u have 2 hold hands *smiles again* koga:*gets mad & about 2 put kiya down* sota:*sees this & puts hi hands on kiya,2 make koga keep holding her,& pushes him toward kiya's class* ok we r going koga:*looks at him*-_- sota:*saids in his ear it's the rules..!!*walks away with him* koga:u really believe that..??if so u r dumb..!!-_- sota:idk,but he likes her,what's the worest that'll happen..??
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