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Huh. Why, yes, that'd be quite interesting. But how is holding Bob by his hair out the window going to help anything?

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Name:   *chill*Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1994-12-05Country:   
Joined:   2008-12-20Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   *chill*
Birthday:   1994-12-05
Joined:   2008-12-20

My name is: Jade
So you call me: ^^
Um....bleh >.< I'm 14 and luvv Jasper Hale (pick him over Edward) :)
No one on my page is me: nor u, cuz they're all from G-G
I luv the new Paramore video: De ode (with TWILIGHT in it!!!!)

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