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Thomas loved to swim in the dark shallow waters
A place filled with insects and sunbathing gators.
He would see a boat paddling, approaching his way
And to Thomas that meant fun and some time to play.
Wait in the water ‘til it was over his head
Then surface and smash it into slices, like bread.
He enjoyed watching the boat break into small bits
And listening to pieces of watery hits.
Another boat was coming with a humming sound
This one was different from the others he'd pound.
He quickly surfaced to give it a whack
A large sound exploded, a giant crack.
Peered did he at a small dent on the boat
His back now broken, on the water he'd float.

Thomas’ favorite scary movie is “Geography, Our Beautiful Deserts.” Not a scary movie, but to Thomas it is. He loves to stay in the tub where it’s nice and wet. You can always count on him to leave drips of water around the house, which drives Kit crazy. He likes to listen to the other Skelanimals chatting. Just hanging around is fun enough for him.

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