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User Comments

datcupcake writes:
I dunno if this is true about all emo's, but a lot of them have depression, like me, and it's a mental illness. It's NOT their fault.
So seriously, people who are saying people have it bad and that emos/depressed people are selfish, then they need to STFU because they can't help it.

Posted on: Feb 8th 2014, 1:41:50am

karakarakara writes:
I'm not trying to be mean, but emos have opinions about you to. I have never in my lifetime seen an emo post mean graphics about someone anti-emo. And I know emo's might leave comments with cursing and hate, but that's only because some can't help that they're very hurt by you doing that to them. I'm just saying that emos never did that to you. Can you please calm down the hate? I'm not going to call anyone a prep or anything like that. I just think that all this shit is not needed. Please? Can we all just calm down?-------------------------------50% emo

Posted on: Nov 24th 2010, 11:06:06am

martaw gloomy writes:
.|. for you (:

Posted on: Sep 28th 2010, 6:20:47pm

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