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User Comments

satanicangel666 writes:
Ok, I would like to state my opinion on this whole thing. I am pro-choice. Its a woman's choice whether she wants to keep the child or not. If someone got raped and got pregnant i think they should get an abortion cause i don't know if they would be able to deal with a child and all of the other problems that might be going on in their life after they got raped. and what if someone who is like 15 or 14 years old got pregnant? do you really think that someone that young would want to take care of a baby? abortion is not murder.

Posted on: Oct 17th 2011, 5:26:09pm

majesticwonder writes:
adoption is way different than killing a child. People say because it hasnt breathed yet its not a living thing. thats a bunch of crap. it is a baby a child, a life. that you have no right whatsoever to take away. because of ur stupid actions OR SOMEONE ELSES DUMB ACTIONS u got pregnant. But its still a child!!! give it away but let it live..

thats just my opinion, but i mean im thankful my mom (she was 17 when she had me and 14 when she had my brother) didnt abort me. because i wouldve never known what its like to live. and even though shes a drug addict whos been molested since she was 12 she never once got rid of her babies. and shes glad too. because a baby is a gift no matter who gave it or how...

Posted on: Dec 14th 2010, 6:16:22pm

1serena5 writes:
ok im for sure prolife but i mean im not gonna hate someone who aborted their baby. i had a son and his father and i put him up for adpoption. there are MILLIONS of families that want a child why be so damn selfish and just kill the innocent one? i know a girl personally that aid that she felt her little one thrash to death when she had an abortion. it causes them pain, why cant you see this?!? is this the image we want to give motherhood? i got pregnant but ya know what? i dont really want it.... i think ill kill it, yeah that sounds like a great idea! -.- im just sayin.... to me its a no brainer, we have laws against abusing dogs but not unborn children? its bullshit.

Posted on: Oct 4th 2010, 7:42:48am

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