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User Comments

horseyhero writes:
I'd rather say "I'm a freak" than call the bunch strangers on my Facebook friends. Yeah, I'm shy,I'm a geek, yeah I'm alone, but maybe people like you need to learn that friends aren't the only thing you have to care about.

Posted on: Jul 29th 2011, 7:28:04am

horseyhero writes:
I'd rather say "I'm a freak" than call the bunch strangers on my Facebook friends. Yeah, I'm shy,I'm a geek, yeah I'm alone, but maybe people like you need to learn that friends aren't the only thing you have to care about.

Posted on: Jul 29th 2011, 7:27:12am

horseyhero writes:
I'd rather say "I'm a freak" than call the bunch strangers on my Facebook friends. Yeah, I'm shy,I'm a geek, yeah I'm alone, but maybe people like you need to learn that friends aren't the only thing you have to care about.

Posted on: Jul 29th 2011, 7:26:39am

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