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Stickers » Anime » Shirahime Syo / Snow Woman CLA...

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I made this avatar from a color manga image from CLAMP's traditional Japanese-inspired manga "Shirahime Syo" which is about the spirit of the snow and tragic stories involving snow. While the stories are depressing, the color art images are gorgeous. #_#

The text on the avatar reads (snow + woman) or "yuki-onna" which is the type of Japanese mythological creature the Shirahime Syo is. For want of a better comparison, the yuki-onna were like The Snow Queen from the fairy tale or maybe a snow fairy? They were a bit mean though. 0_0 Yuki-onna in the legends would do stuff like hugging someone to freeze them. >_< But, yeah, anyway I like the avatar... I made it for my LiveJournal, but you can use it- just don't sell it or claim you made it or use it for evil.

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