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Made by me. dont steal. dont copy. enjoy one of my loves... Eric Northman from True Blood And yes i love this show its the best i swear. For those who are younger, dont watch it. And if you dont care and want to watch it; well lets hope your parents wont catch you. Enjoy!

About True Blood {Synopsis}:

Based on the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris, True Blood follows the relationship between a southern waitress (Sookie) and her soul mate Bill Compton, who happens to be a 173-year-old vampire. Taking place in the future, vampires have come out of their "coffins" and live among humans thanks to the creation of synthetic blood, which enables them to live without needing to feed off humans.

As these vampires try to create their own niche in society, they face some serious opposition from organizations who feel that these creatures have no place in their society. They also live in fear of being drained of their own blood by humans looking to get high. As it turns out, vampire blood (also called "V") works as an extremely powerful drug similar to the effects of ecstasy and heroin.

When vampire Bill comes to the fictional town of Bon Temps, Sookie immediately forms a romantic bond and a relationship develops.

Can humans and vampires live together in harmony? Stay tuned!

;;The show is currently on post production for Season 4 which starts most likely on June 2011 on HBO.

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