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Jae was the smallest of the wolves in his pack
He would run as fast as he could, but was usually in back.
His brothers would tease him 'cause he was too slow
And would always run past him, when they were on the go.
To prove he was quick Jae sprinted ahead
But missed a curve in the path, and sped straight instead.
Hurtling and spinning, he fell toward the light
With wings and a smile, he later took flight.

Jae's favorite scary movie is "Running with Wolves." Jae is always around you or the other Skelanimals. He needs to be part of a group or a pack. His keen sense of smell alerts him whenever something unfamiliar comes close so he stands guard with Maxx at your bedside. He tries to get along with Diego but for some reason it's generally awkward. Jae loves to pounce, so if you're not paying attention he'll pounce on you, then run off.

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