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Feelings that intense and that desperate seemed unlikely to her, unless they were in the pages of a book.

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Name:   taytaylalalaRanking:   --
Birthday:   1991-12-02Country:   
Joined:   2009-02-28Location:   Tennessee
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   1 graphics 
Name:   taytaylalala
Birthday:   1991-12-02
Joined:   2009-02-28
Location:   Tennessee
Uploads:   1 graphics 
My name is Tayla.
I was born on a cold little night in the year nineteen ninety-one. Eighteen years later and I'm the best me there could be. I'm happy and living life, though I do have my hard days. I have a bit of a gypsy spirit and I like to be free. I believe in the worth of a good person and I think one individual could, can, and have altered the path of many lives. I want to change the world, or even a life. You won't tear nor will you break me, I alone hold that power. Like a daisy, I'm ordinary and plain to the eye, but I thrive on laughter and refuse to be anything but happy. This is my one life and I plan to cram everything I want in.
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