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Join the voting community of Pink Posh!!

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Name:   pink posh voting communityRanking:   --
Birthday:   1993-05-06Country:   
Joined:   2008-06-04Location:   
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   pink posh voting community
Birthday:   1993-05-06
Joined:   2008-06-04

Welcome there stranger! You are now on the Profile of the Pink Posh Community. This wasn't a club but its just a profile that let other members to vote for your graphics that is hosted by the Pink Posh Club started and managed by Kim go un. Also this is different from the Pink Posh Club. This is just hosted by the club...

Its easy to be part of the community!!
+Vote for all of the graphics uploaded by the owner. How? Click the image below:

+After Voting and Commenting, comment me in Kim Go Un Profile saying:
"I am done commenting and rating your graphics and i am willing to join your voting community"
+Also,(optional), you can get the "kymie's graphixz" image and put in your profile and link it to all of my graphics. Its like you will advertise all of my graphics.
+Add this account as "LOVER"
+Lastly, just wait for you to be added on my friends list. If you are already added..Congrats! You are a part of the voting community!

How to make your GFX featured in here?
When your graphics are featured, people get to vote for those featured
+First of all, be a part of the community(read the rules above to know how)
+Rate for the other's Graphics as well.
+Encourage people to be part of the community and to vote for our graphics here.
+Then send me this:
I now did what is required. Please feature this graphic:(Image here with the link of it for people to vote when they clicked it.)
+Then wait for me to feature it(but reminder, not all graphics will be featured, make sure what you want me to feature looks good.)
+And also, i will only feature the best 5 graphics ive seen.
+Its also a must that you send this:

to 3-5 person. Okay?? (Code here!!)

If you are a part of the community:

paste that in your distinguish you are one of the pink posh voting community. Click the image for code!!

Featured Graphics
Click on the Graphics rate it:

Owner's Latest
Please click to rate


For more info go to my Kim Go Un Profile
Be a posh phinkiztah like us and have PINK POSH products:

If wanna join this go to kim go un profile..dont ask here..ü

Buddy List Legends
Friends row-Part of voting community
Lovers Row-Official Posh Phinkiztah and Staff of Pink Posh Club also part of the community
Idol Row-Owner

pink posh voting community's buddies:
Login or register to add pink posh voting community as your friend!

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