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Hardly on here party peeps!

Name:   Patricia LaddenRanking:   --
Birthday:   1992-08-21Country:   
Joined:   2009-10-04Location:   Pallet Town!
Posts:   0 comments
Name:   Patricia Ladden
Birthday:   1992-08-21
Joined:   2009-10-04
Location:   Pallet Town!

Patricia Ladden

Ok!So,I'm Patricia Ladden.I'm a Pokemon trainer and my main pokemon is Raichu aka ChuRai.My starting Pokemon was really a Charmander and let evolve into a Charizard.I trained my Charizard everyday even though it's now level 100.I'm currently friends with Kaoro Green(Trainer),Indie Cassidy(trainer),Nina Ricks(coordinator) and Ruby Anderson(dragon tamer).I love electricity!Almost all my Pokemon has electric type attacks.Even my MewTwo has one!My type of Pokemon are usually rare ones,legendary,strong and have strange attributes.

Anyways,I own the Po-kawaiii Club.

My Pokemon

Raichu aka ChuRai





Leafeon aka Leafia

My Pet..*Ehee!*

Kaoro Green is my pet and forever be my number 1 pet.He is like my tail actually.He follows me everywhere I go.He always pisses me off.He's kinda heavy.As you can see,he's also a Pokemon Trainer like me.He likes dark type Pokemon so much of his Pokemons are pure dark ones.

Random Pics!

OMG!This is soo FUNNY!

Eveytime i order him to do something for me,he pulls my hat down.
He's one of the top reasons why I seldom wear my hat.

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