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Name:   macii <3Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1991-09-03Country:   
Joined:   2009-01-19Location:   Macedonia <3
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   3 graphics 
Name:   macii <3
Birthday:   1991-09-03
Joined:   2009-01-19
Location:   Macedonia <3
Uploads:   3 graphics 

●i believe that people don't change... overnight. the truth is, i strive to change others in the hope that i will be inspired to actually change myself for the better.●
●i am a traveler who has never gone places. I travel through my dreams and my daydreaming... i've seen the world in all its beauty and splendor, then i am happy. when i reach a new destination and when i meet new individuals, i learn a lot of things. more often than not, i learn things the hard way...●
●i am a total package of what people can label: ironic. i am passionate about a lot of things but it takes me a while to get going. i am a lazy go-getter. believe me. ●
●i am a love romanticist. i love the IDEA of love and the FEELING of loving. i embrace everything that this great feeling has to offer including pain. i embrace pain, mine or others. love is never complete without it afterall. i THINK i grow stronger each and everytime i am weakened...●
●i am a dramaqueen, a frustrated singer and artist. my life is like a series of stage plays and tv commercials: bitter and sweet...
but lately i realized that it's not about the drama, the tingles and magic (but these are important too), at the end of the day, it is the senseless conversations, quick glances, tranquil moments, and knowing that deep down in your heart you are happy...●
●i am hopeful. i look at things hoping that tomorrow they will be ok, if not better.●
●when i dream (which is most of the time),i dream big. i believe that we have the capacity to achieve whatever it is that we imagine. ●
●i may seem uptight, but i melt each and every time i fall in love.●
●i am a child in disguise. i play, i run, i tumble and i fly. i chase butterflies and i fly kites...●
●i am not so much like a princess. i'd rather be a queen. ●
●i am simple and complicated and i believe there is no better way to say this.●
●i believe. i worry. i assume. i think. i laugh. i cry. i feel. i love. i am human.●
●my life is a long epic... i cannot simply summarize who i am. after reading this, you may think you know a lot about me, but i'm telling you, you don't =) ●●

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