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"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one you would'n have fallen for the second."

Name:   kalabab33Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1995-02-16Country:   United States
Joined:   2011-07-22Location:   California
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   1 graphics 
Name:   kalabab33
Birthday:   1995-02-16
Joined:   2011-07-22
Location:   California
Uploads:   1 graphics 
Yo' fool(:
I love to laugh, listen to music,photography,sleeping, playing video games,watching movies, skate boarding ( even tho I can barley stand on one Lol(: ), I love singing(even tho I suck), staring at the clouds in the evening and stars at night, I love autumn nights cuz there not to cold and not to hot, I love rain, fog,cloudy days,thunder and lightning... I love doing random shit like jumping up and down if im bored or looking at people like a crazy person to scare the shit outta them(;I am really crazy... I mean REALLY lol ^^.. I love it tho because that's who I am and if you don't like who I am you can fall into a gawd damm well with 15 Irish midgets all asking you "WHERE'S ME LUCKY CHAMES BITCH?" :D ; ...I wish I could travel but I can't because I'm only 16 and I still can't drive -.- if I could just leave for a couple of months/years I would... I WANNA GO TO CANADA!! I'm Canadian ^^ and I love it haha(: it amazes me how everyone thinks that if your Canadian you have to say "eh" every five seconds >.<, Anywhooo; My friends and family are my life, I don't kno what I would do without them supporting me(: I love you guys!! Follow me if you would like?(:
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