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this is wat a BFFL is

Friend:calls your parents by mr. and mrs.

Best friend:calls your parents dad and mom.

Friend: knocks politely on the door and waits for an answer

Best Friend: barges right in and says "IM HOME!!!"

Friend:has never seen you cry

Best Friend:has always had the best shoulder to cry on

Friend:never asks for anything to eat or drink

Best friend:opens the fridge and makes herself at home

Friend: helps you find your true love

Best friend: finds a prince, kidnaps him, puts him in a bag, and brings him to you

Friend:asks you to write down your number.

Best friend:they ask you for their number (cuz they can't remember it)

Friend: tells you look great in whatever your wearing

Best friend: tells you the truth!

Friend:borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back

Best friend:has a closet full of your stuff

Friend:only knows a few things about you

Best friend:could write a biography on your life

Friend:will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing

Best friend:will always go with you

Friend:would delete this letter

Best friend:will send this back

to me and all of their online buddies

Friends Forever!

Written with a pen

Sealed with a kiss

If you are my friend,

Please answer this:

Are we friends or are we not?

You told me once, but I forgot..

So tell me now and tell me true,

So I can say , I am here for you.

Of all the friends I've ever met,

You're the ones I won't forget..

And if I die before you do,

I'll go to Heaven

And wait for you.

Show your friends how much you care.

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User Comments

imagobaby writes:
This is awesome!

Posted on: Dec 4th 2010, 1:35:52pm

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